Moder "CHILD OF LOKI " The Ritual Creature Explained - netflix- THE RITUAL (2018) Ending + Monster Explained

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                             Hey guys what's happening nyet here with film comics explained and today we'll be exploring Moda the bastard offspring of loki as featured and david Bruckner's the ritual based on the 2011 novel of the same name by adam neville what a god ancient the ritual follows a group of college friends on a hiking trip in Sweden what starts out as a men's retreat in tribute to a fallen friend soon turns into a fight for survival as things take a turn for the worst as a group recede further into the maze-like forest out of desperation then begins seeing cryptic symbols and bizarre effigies before they start getting picked off by strange beasts that appeared to blend in with the environment that beast is of course Moda                                                                                             
also known as the creature which is the main antagonist of both the novel and the feature film the Beast is in essence an obscure yotan that inhabited a dense forest in northern Sweden and was venerated by an ancient group of cultists that were granted an unnaturally long life we worship it it keeps us here let us live beyond natural life no more pain no more death appearing is an enormous elk like monster with bright yellow eyes skeletal head antlers and a pair of human-like hands on its side modo was described by one of the swedish cultists as being a bastard child of the Norse god Loki along with its elk like physique the creature appeared to have its body overgrown with plant matter had spikes protruding along its spine and its head resembled a headless torso with atlas for arms the Beast is also explained as being one of the yo Kenard entities in Norse mythology that were ambiguously defined and often referred to by the names such as giants trolls and other classifications by those that could not comprehend what they actually were while the creature was an original creation of Neville's the writer drew inspiration from the many

stories of Loki in Norse mythology that explained the trickster God had fathered a handful of monstrous beasts like yo taunts like your bender the serpent then read the wolf and the female being known as hell who was a giant test that ruled over the underworld I'm sure many of you guys will remember a version of Hell was brought into the MCU in the form of Heller and made her first appearance in Thor Ragnarok though it should be noted that much of a backstory resulted and was changed to make her the daughter of Odin instead of Loki now motor Woodstock all travellers who enter dis forest and proceed to mark the person or persons whom he believed it suffered from deep emotional pain that person was then given the choice of either worshiping moder or dying at its hands it should also be noted that those that were not marked by it would be tortured and sacrificed to the Beast repeating this process of a centuries the creature amassed a large number of worshipers made up of missing people who are unfortunate enough to deviate through the forest all of these people at at some point
 encountered great emotional turmoil and though trapped by modo they'd each been offered salvation and eternal life in exchange for worshiping the offspring of Loki your ritual begins tonight it is a privilege to worship you will kneel before the god if not it will hang you from the trees when asked about the creature featured in his film Bruckner described that is an Old Norse Viking nightmare that his characters were unlucky enough to face he also spoke of how his favorite monsters in film were generally not shown and fall until the end and this influenced his decision to only show parts in the beasts until the climax Adam Neville's novel described the murder as a nightmarish female goat-like creature with certain human qualities an overall image that unwinds as a novel progresses in reading the descriptions Proctor conjured different contrasting images in his imagination and wanted to

 represent that kind of thought process in the actual creature designed for the film adaptation he also spoke of murders power to alter its environment and the way that it looked and how much like its father Loki you only ever saw what it wanted you to see as explained with this quote we had to feature it and that meant that we had to kind of literal eyes not just how it looks but how it chooses to present itself because the idea of these kinds of shape-shifting Norse gods is that they can choose how you see them so what you're seeing is how it designs to be interpreted and it's part of the way you've intimidates and controls if you haven't already seen the ritual I highly recommend that you check it out as it's a must watch for horror enthusiasts the story is both original and enthralling the characters are well realized and developed the scenery is hauntingly beautiful and the film takes its time to create a palpable atmosphere of dread the crescendos till the film's climax and the full reveal of moder and all of his giant-sized glory oh this is clearly the house we'll get murdered me well that's all for today folks big thanks to all of you guys who requested we take a look at modo the yotan 
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